Sermon Outlines and Charts
The PDF Outlines and PPT Charts are to be used to the glory of God. However, I do ask that if you use any of the PPT charts, that you give credit to Richard Thetford as the originator of the charts.
God's Mirror For Man's Soul
Reverence for the God of the Covenant
The Teaching of God
The Proper Attitude Toward God's Word
Understanding the Godhead
The Gift of the Holy Spirit
Authority in Religion
The Inspiration of the Bible
The Heavy Price of Sin
Satan's Place
The Resurrection of Man
Active Ingredients of Godly Sorrow
Nots in the Devil's Tale
The Alien Sinner and Marriage
God's Judgment
God Has Spoken
Introduction to the Bible
Out with the Old - In with the New
Ask for the Old Paths
The Proper Attitude Toward the Bible
Don't Get Swallowed Up in Sin
The Importance of the Bible
The Silence of God
Do You Really Believe in God?
Cart Before the Horse Religion
Hell is Real
The Thief on the Cross
The Hand of God Working in Our Life
Saved By Grace
The Proper Attitude Toward God's Word
The Word of God Says.....
Three Things Sin Will Always Do
The Holy Spirit
What If?
The Sabbath or First Day of the Week?
Why I Left 
The Work of the Holy Spirit 
Receiving the Implanted Word 
God versus Man - Then and Now 
Is Heaven Our Destination?
The Joy That Awaits Us
Can A Child of God Sin and Be Lost?
The Doctrine of Christ
Hell's Haunting Fury
The Oneness of God
The Fear of the Lord
Beware of False Prophets
The Root of Sin
The Social Gospel
What Does the Next Verse Say?
The Gospel Helps Us
The Authority of the Scriptures
  • Outline
  • PPT Charts
  • Audio
Sin and Its Consequences
Doing Things Exactly Right
Smorgasbord Religion
Do We Need a "New Gospel?"
Is Doctrine Really Important?
Have You Not Read?​
But Test the Spirits
What Is Truth?
The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
Let Each One Take Heed How He Builds
Do We Have to Sin?
All That the Lord Has Spoken We Will Do
Bible Authority and Truth
Let Us Contend for the Faith
What Happens When We Die?
Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage
Biblical Modesty
The Light of the Gospel
Preaching the Gospel
Following the Truth
False Teachers
Two Builders
Overcoming Sin
I Did Not Cease to Warn Everyone
The Rapture
Our "Good" Can Be God's "Wrong"
I Am Not Ashamed
The Truth
The Promise to Abraham
The "Seed" is Good
The Facts of Life
The Scary Reality of Hell
There's No Escape!
The Bible: The Word of God
The Devil Knows...
Knowing Each Other in Heaven
Understanding Judging
The Souls of Hell's Eternity

This page was last updated: June 23, 2024
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