Welcome to the page of preachers who are looking for churches of Christ.
This listing of preachers who are looking for churches is for
churches of Christ who are non-institutional and non-instrumental.
The following applies:
This listing will be updated within 48 hours from the time that the form below is submitted. It is usually updated within a few hours.
The postings will remain on this page for 120 days.
Preachers who are still looking for a church after the 120 days, please submit an e-mail letting me know that you want to continue your listing for another 120 days. You may continue to do this for as long as you need to.
Each time a listing is updated or renewed the "DATE UPDATED" will be changed to the latest date that the ad was updated or renewed.
Churches can have confidence that these listings are kept current within 120 days.
Please review your ad as soon as possible to ensure that all information is correct. If you want to add, delete, or change any information, please send me an e-mail message letting me know what action needs to be taken.
Any ad posted on this page does not mean that I know or endorse the preacher. Churches contacting these preachers should do their own investigation. I reserve the right to accept, reject, or make modifications that I feel are appropriate for this venue.
Preacher references will not be included on this page due to security and privacy concerns. Churches should contact a preacher directly for that information.
When a church to work with has been secured, please send me an e-mail message letting me know so that your listing can be promptly removed.
ADDITIONAL NOTE: The listings for "Churches Looking for Preachers" and "Preachers Looking for Churches" that was being advertised on the Truth Magazine Website is now being advertised and maintained on this site.
Information Form
James Shewmaker
Comments: I have worked with churches of Christ as a preacher since 1982. I will be turning 67 on April 19, 2025. I am widowed.